Where have I been?

Where have I been?   That’s a good question. I’m not sure where I’ve been the past few weeks.  I’ve been lolling around in trying to lose weight, keep my bills paid, keep my child from getting lazy in school and just day-to-day STUFF.  In case you haven’t noticed, it can be mentally (and physically) exhausting.

Well, I’m trying to break out of the doldrum conundrum and start moving again. I feel like I’ve been surrounded by this dark storm cloud and I couldn’t see where I needed to be.  To my dismay, the cloud isn’t moving on its own so….I’ve decided I’m just going to turn on the fan and blow it out of the way!

Let’s start with some positives:  My child has brought his math grade up from a low “C” to a middle “B”. Whew! (Now if we can just get him to pass his final exam!)  The Hubs is rocking on his mailbox designs (awesome! They are custom to look like hot rods.).  As of this morning,  I have reached 25% of my weight loss goal!  Yay!  I’ve been on a roller-coaster ride this past week with, what my friend Kelle calls, the Metal Monster. I WILL beat that monster down!

I think my biggest stumbling block the past couple of weeks, though, has been spiritually.  I haven’t been able to get to my home church as much as I’d like (its an hour from my house), and it feels like something is missing.  I thought it was being away from there. Today I realize its being away from God.  Even though I read a Bible passage every day, I haven’t been really “with it”. I recognize this today, and today, I’m going to do something about it.  Just because I’m not at my home church building, doesn’t take me away from being  part of the Church body.  I’ve been grafted into that Body by the blood, sacrifice and salvation of Jesus Christ. However, if I’m the part of the Body that stops working…then it hinders the whole Body.  I don’t want to do that…so today…I start working again.

Lord, I thank you for Your Goodness, Your Love, Your Salvation and just Who You Are.  Without You, I am nothing. But with Your Strength, I can do anything through You!  Let this be my mantra everyday…to trust in Your Strength and Wisdom, not mine. In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray…Amen.